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(From Henry County, VA//Settled in Oglethorpe Co GA, Robertson Co TN & Madison Co Illinois)

Parents of JOSEPH EAST (1807-1840’s) of Madison County, Illinois
Joseph was the father of Rev MARTIN ALONZO EAST of Sebastian Co Ark
Donald Earl McKinney Jr
These notes were compiled from material gathered since 1980 by personal research & correspondence. I am especially grateful to Debbie East of Tulsa, also a descendant of Rev Martin Alonzo East, whose research, along with my own, helped us all gain a better understanding of our family heritage.
This material concerns the grandparents of our ancestor Rev Martin Alonzo East of Sebastian Co Arkansas. Martin's father Joseph was the son of James & Polly (Edwards) East Jr, originally of Henry County, Virginia, who left Oglethorpe County, GA around 1809, settling in Robertson County, TN & eventually Madison County, Illinois by 1817. James East Jr's parents were James & Eushan East Sr, who settled with their son in Georgia. James & Polly East Jr had a son named James, born 1804 (who married a Polly Johnson & Electa Leadbetter) & is referred to in these notes as James East III. James East Jr was listed in the Illinois records 1817 - 1833 as James Sr since his father was now deceased. James East III was listed as James Jr during this period in Illinois.
- - - - - - - - - - - -

  • (SEE JAMES EAST SR PAGE concerning the VA & GA material)

    James East, Jr was born Abt 1767 in Pittsylvania Co VA, and died May 1833 in Madison Co IL. He married Mary "Polly" Edwards Abt 1787 in Henry Co VA, daughter of Edmund & Elizabeth Edwards. She was born Abt 1772 in Pittsylvania Co VA, and died Abt 1845 in Madison Co IL. James Jr was the son of James & Eushan East who had settled in Old Lunenburg County of southern Virginia during the 1750's & eventually ended up in the Horsepasture Creek area of what later became Henry County, Virginia. In 1787 James Jr left his father, James Sr in charge of his affairs & traveled to Wilkes County, GA and it is believed the father & the rest of the family followed soon after. James Jr probably returned to Virginia to help with the arduous journey.

    It appears that both James East Sr & Jr defaulted on their taxes in Wilkes Co GA in 1790 & traveled to the wilderness of what is now Robertson County, TN. James East purchased land along Spring Creek of the Red River area. They returned to Oglethorpe County, GA by 1793 where James East Sr purchased more land along Indian Creek in 1796. James Jr's father-in-law, Edmund Edwards, is believed to have gone to the Red River area of TN during this time & returned to Georgia with the East's.

    By 1809, James Jr and Edmund Edwards moved back to Robertson Co TN where James claimed his father's land on Red River. It is not known for sure if James Jr's parents traveled with them, but they died sometime between 1805 and 1812, either in GA or TN. James & Polly East Jr's oldest children, Henry T., Hardman, James III, Joseph, & Nancy were all born in Georgia. According to "family tradition", there may have been a son named Josiah, however, no record can be found for him. Their youngest children, William, Ann Elizabeth, Matthew G., & Abraham Marshal East were born in TN.
    1812 - Robertson County, TN (Enumeration List of the Inhabitants in Capt Moore's Company)

    16 Sep 1812 - Oglethorpe County GA (Land Sale, Deed Book H, Page 511 & 512, Transacted in Robertson County, TN)
    This Indenture made this 16th day of September the year of our Lord eighteen hundred & twelve Between JAMES EAST Junr. and POLLY my wife on the one part & GEORGE HUDSPETH and JOHN M. SIMS on the other part of the State of Georgia & County of Oglethorpe do by these presents bargain, sell and deed a certain tract or parcel of land lying & being in the County & State aforesaid on the No. fork of INDIAN CREEK bounded as followith to wit beginning on a red oak in Davis's corner thence running N. 20 & E. 29 chains to a stake thence E. 2 chains to a red oak thence N. 4 chains to a fish Oak thence 20 D.E. 59 chains 50 links to a R.O. thence N. 45 D.W. crossing a branch to a P.O. thence N 70 W 21 chains to white O in MARTIN's line thence S 20 W one hundred and two chains on & with MARTIN's line to a stake in JONES's line thence W. S 20 E. to a pine in BANKS line & on his line to the beginning, with all & Singular the rights & members and every appertanances thereof unto them HUDSPETH & SIMS to them their heirs forever. To have & to hold the said land & premises it being 400 acres be it more or less and the said JAMES EAST Junr. and POLLY his wife do for themselves their heirs covenant & agree to warrant & forever defend unto said HUDSPETH and SIMS their heirs & assigns forever all of every part of the aforesaid land and premises from the claim of him said EAST his wife or heirs & every other person or persons whatsoever - In witness whereof the said JAMES EAST Junr his wife POLLY hath set our hands & assigned our Seals this day & year above written. Signed: JAMES EAST, POLLY EAST (her mark) State of Tennessee, Robertson County: We JOHN HUTCHISON & LEVI NOYES acting Justices of the Peace in & for the County aforesaid do hereby Certify that JAMES EAST JR & POLLY his wife this day appeared before us & severally acknowledged the foregoing signatures to be their hands & Seals acts & Deed. Given under our hands & Seals this 16th day of September 1812. Signed: JOHN HUTCHISON, J.P., LEVI NOYES, J.P.

    13 Jun 1817 - Robertson Co TN (State Land Grant #10154/Recorded 14 Oct 1817)
    The State of Tennessee, No. 10154. To all to Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting: KNOW YE, That by virtue of certificate No. 1652 & 1653, part of certificate No. 1501 datred the 5th day of January 1814, the first day May 1813, issued by the Register of West Tennessee to JAMES VAULX, JAMES EAST, JOHN CHILDRES & entered on the 5th day January 1814, by No. 11962.
    There is granted by the said State of Tennessee unto the said JAMES EAST assignee of S. JAMES VAULX & JOHN CHILDRES.
    A certain tract or Parcel of Land, containing ninety acres by survey bearing date the 7th day of January 1814, lying in Robertson County in the First District on the middle fork of the RED RIVER & bounded as follows to wit, beginning at a stake the north east corner of a survy granted to MARTIN DUNCAN whereon said EAST now lives, turning west with said line 212 poles to a hickory, thence north forty four poles to two hickories on WILLIS line, thence east with said line 68 poles to his corner black jack, thence north with said line 74 1/2 poles to a black jack, thence east sixty eight poles to a stake thence south seven poles to the corner of another survey belonging to said EAST continuing with his line in all 74 1/2 poles to his corner black jack, thence east with his line passing his corner at sixty poles in all seventy six poles to a stake, thence south forty four poles to the beginning. With the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land, with its appurtenances, to the said JAMES EAST and his heirs forever. In witness wheeof, JOSEPH McMINN Governor of the State of Tennessee, hath hereunto set his hand and caused the great seal of the State to be affixed, at Knoxville on the thirteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen and of the Indepenence of the United States, the forth first.

    17 Jun 1817 - Robertson Co TN (State Land Grant #10184/Recorded 14 Oct 1817)
    The State of Tennessee, No. 10184. To all to Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting: KNOW YE, That by virtue of part of certificate No. 143 dated the 25th day of June 1810, issued by the Register of West Tennessee to EPRAIM McLEAN Jun. & entered on the 27th day of May 1815 by No. 15087.
    There is granted by the said State of Tennessee unto the said JAMES EAST assignee of the said EPRAIM McLEAN.
    A certain tract or Parcel of Land, containing fifty acres by survey bearing date the 24th day of November 1815, lying in Robertson County in the First District on the middle fork of the RED RIVER & bounded as follows to wit, *beginning at a black jack said EASTs north west corner on WILLIS east boundary line, turning north with WILLIS line, twenty two poles to a post oak, in PAULEYs? line, thence east with his line 153 poles to the corner stake in the line of another survey belonging to said PAULEY?, thence south with said line twenty four poles to the corner hickory, thence east with his line forty five poles to a black oak in MASONs line, thence south with his line forty six poles to a post oak in EDWARDS line, thence west with his line sixty seven poles to the corner a black oak, thence south with said EDWARDS line 28 poles to a stake the corner of said EAST's 25 acre survey, thence west with said line twenty poles to a black jack, thence north with s. EAST's line 76 poles to a stake his corner, thence west with his line 113 poles to the beginning.
    With the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land, with its appurtenances, to the said JAMES EAST and his heirs forever. In witness whereof, JOSEPH McMINN Governor of the State of Tennessee, hath hereunto set his hand and caused the great seal of the State to be affixed, at Knoxville on the seventeenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen and of the Indepenence of the United States, the forth first.
    In 1817, James Jr moved his family to the Silver Creek area of Madison County, Illinois. James East actually settled on this land the previous year & eventually purchased the entire Section 9 (640 acres) in Township 4 North, Range 5 West in Saline Township. He also purchased portions of Section 5. This land was located 4 miles north of Highland, Illinois, about 40 miles east of St Louis.

    From Brink's "History of Madison County, Illinois" Page 88 - "In the north part of township four, range five, Archibald Coulter, who came to Illinois from Kentucky, settled in 1816. In this year also arrived JAMES EAST, who built a cabin and planted two acres of corn in the edge of the prairie, with a spade. The next year he brought his wife from Kentucky. - - - - THOMAS JOHNSON, a Kentuckian, came in 1817."

    Page 545 - "JAMES EAST, a Kentuckian, arrived in 1816, having left his wife at home. He erected a pole cabin and planted two acres of corn in the edge of the prairie with a spade. He then returned to Kentucky for his wife. Afterward he built a good hewd log house. He was a man of industrious habits, accumulated a good deal of property, raised a large family of children, eight sons and three daughters, and died in the township."
    - - - - -
    (Don's Note: Actually, James East Jr & family resided on the middle fork of the Red River in Robertson County, TN. This was on the KY/TN border and very possibly some of his land was in Logan County KY. 1850-1880 census records pertaining to James' children & grandchildren, indicate they were born in GA/TN)

    29 Jul 1817 - Land Records (Madison County IL)
    HENRY EAST (James Jr's oldest son) Purchased 160 acres in Section 3, Twp 4N, Range 5W

    14 Sep 1822 - Madison Co IL (Federal Land Patent, Edwardsville IL, Cert #471)
    Sold to JAMES EAST, 480 acres, south half and NW quarter in section 9, Township 4N of Range 5W. Assignee of John F. McCollum, original purchaser of land 21 Jun 1817.

    1820 - Federal Census (Madison County, IL)
    JAMES EAST 311101/21001 (Pg 090 Silver Creek)
    HENRY EAST 500010/00010 (Pg 090 Silver Creek)
    Abraham Howard (Pg 090 Silver Creek)
    John Howard (Pg 089 Silver Creek)
    (Note: John Howard married James & Polly East's daughter Nancy)

    1830 - Federal Census (Madison Co IL)
    JAMES EAST (001200001-00100001) Pg179
    JOSEPH EAST (00001-0001) Pg178

    21 Feb 1829 - Madison Co IL (Deed Book 16, Pg 441/Recorded 10 Aug 1837)
    This Indenture made this twenty first day of February A.D. one thousand eight hundred & twenty nine between JAMES EAST Senior and MARY EAST his wife of the first part & JAMES EAST Junior & MARY EAST his wife of the second part each of the county of Madison & state of Illinois witneseth that the said JAMES EAST Senior & MARY EAST his wife the first party doth grant bargain sell release and convey & forever defend unto the said JAMES EAST Junior & MARY EAST his wife for the consideration of two hundred dollars to them in hand paid- - - -a certain tract of land or lands it being the east half of the northeast quarter & the east half of the southeast quarter of SECTION FIVE & in township four north of range five west containing one hundred fifty five acres- - - -
    Signed: JAMES EAST, Sen, MARY EAST (Her Mark)
    James & Polly East owned land in Section 5 which adjoined their land in Section 9 at the northwest corner. Section 5 was due west of section 4, which was due north of Section 9. Their oldest son Henry T., born 1790 in GA, owned land in Sections 3 & 4, but during the 1830's moved his family about 50 miles south to Lively Grove Township in Washington County, Illinois. Henry died in 1847 and was buried in Old Salem Cemetery.
    Son James East III sold some of this land in Section 5 to Benjamin Rimmer and was recorded 10 Aug 1837 in Book 16, Pg 441 on the same page & date the 1829 deed from his father was recorded. James East III left Madison County during the 1860’s & settled in Montgomery County, southeast Kansas.

    20 Jan 1830 - Madison Co IL (Deed Book 8, Pg 200/Recorded 4 Ap r1832)
    This Indenture made this twentieth day of January in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty between JAMES EAST Senior and MARY his wife of the county of Madison and State of Illinois of the first and MARTIN CASON and ELIZABETH his wife - - - in consideration of one hundred fifty dollars in hand paid by the said party of second part- - - -land lying in the South of section nine Township fore North of Range five West - - - - begining at EDMUND EAST south east corner of said secktion thence west to the south west corner of said section thence south fifty poles thence East three hundred and twenty poles thence North fifty poles to the beginning containing one hundred acres- - -
    Signed: JAMES EAST Sen, POLLY EAST (Her Mark)
    Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of JAMES PEARCE, MATHEW G. EAST
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    (Don's Note: According to this deed, EDMUND EAST had land north of the land sold to Martin & Elizabeth Cason, in section 9. This was quite likely Hardman E.W. perhaps previously residing there but was officially deeded 200 acres in the extreme northern 1/3 of Section 9 in Dec 1831. Martin and Elizabeth Cason moved to Independence Co Ark during the 1830's, returned to Madison County by 1840, but later returned to Arkansas during the mid 1840's with Martin's father Hillery Cason & his sister Permelia East, widow of Joseph East)

    30 Dec 1831 - Madison Co IL (Deed Book 8, Pg 228/Recorded 4 May 1832)
    This Indenture made this thirtieth of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one between JAMES EAST of the county of Madison and state of Illinois of the first part and HARDMAN E. W. EAST- - - -in consideration of four hundred dollars- - - -all that piece or parcel of land as located in section nine Range five West township four North- - -beginning at the North East corner of said section thence to the North West corner of said section thence south one hundred poles to a stake thence east three hundred and twenty poles to a stake thence north one hundred poles to the beginning containing two hundred acres of land- - -
    Signed: JAMES EAST Sen
    Signed sealed and delivered in presents of Attest: MARTIN CASON
    - - - - - - - - - -
    (Don's Note: This 200 acres was in the northern 1/3 of Section 9, just north of Martin Cason's land. Hardman deeded the southern 100 acre strip of this land back to his mother Mary on 14 June 1834, Book 13, Page 206. Mary turned around and sold it on 26 Mar 1835 to SIDNEY McKNUTT, also recorded in Book 13, page 206. Hardman sold the remaining 100 acres north of that strip to William Hugnauer before that, recorded in Book 11, page 601. Around 1829 Hardman had settled in the Rock Island County area of northwest Illinois, returning briefly to sell his land in Madison County. He eventually settled in Scott County, Iowa, just across the Mississippi River from Rock Island County, Illinois. Around 1852, he crossed the Oregon Trail, settling near Portland, Oregon. Several members of the Cason family, including Hillery Cason III, had also settled in this area of Oregon. Hillery was the brother-in-law of Hardman's brother Joseph East. This Indenture made this sixth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two between JAMES EAST of the county of Madison and state of Illinois of the first part and MARTIAL EAST - - - - - - - in consideration of four hundred dollars paid by the party of the second part- - - - -all that piece or parcel of lands situated in section nine township four north of range five west begining at MARTIN CASON's north east corner thence to his north west corner thence south to MATTHEW EAST north west corner thence thence east three hundred and twenty poles to a stake thence north to the beginning corner containing one hundred and forty acres of land more or less - - - -
    Signed: JAMES EAST, Sen
    - - - - - - - - - - -
    (Don's Note: James East deeded this 140 acres to youngest son Martial, which was just north of son Mathew's 100 acre strip (officially deeded to Mathew 2 weeks later) & south of Martin & Elizabeth Cason's 100 acre strip. Martial A. was the youngest son who also went by Abram Marshal or A.M. in the various deed and census records. This same 140 acre strip deeded to Marshal A. was left to Marshal's mother Mary in James East's 1833 Will, with Marshal A. to possess it after his mother's death. Abram Marshal East deeded the 140 acres to brother Matthew G. East on 3 July 1841, recorded 8 Apr 1843 in Book 23, page 394. Mother Mary retained her dower rights to the land when it was transferred to Matthew. Matthew & wife Mary Ann deeded the 140 acres to Garrett Crownover on 15 Jan 1842, recorded 8 April 1843 in Book 23, page 395 with mother Mary East relinquishing her dower rights to this strip with a quit claim to Garrett Crownover on 11 Aug 1842, also recorded 8 April 1843 in Book 23, page 394. It is possible that mother Mary resided with son Abram Marshal & when they sold the land to Garrett Crownover moved to an area which was several miles southwest of Highland in Township 3 North Range 6 West. Matthew had moved to that township also and both families are enumerated on the 1845 state census, with a female 60-70 residing in the househohld of A.M. East, quite possibly his mother Mary)

    19 Jan 1832 - Madison Co IL (Deed Book 18, Pg 335/Recorded 4 Mar 1839)
    This Indenture made the 19th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eght hundred and thirty two between JAMES EAST of the County of Madison and State of Illinois of the first part and MATTHEW G. EAST - - - - in consideration of one hundred and fifty dollars in hand paid by the party of the second part- - - - -all that certain piece or parcel of land lying and begining fifty poles north of the South East corner of Section nine township four north of range five west- - - - - -thence west three hundred and twenty poles to a stake, thence north fifty poles to a stake, thence east three hundred and twenty poles to a stake, thence south to the begining, containing one hundred acres of land- - - - -
    Signed: JAMES EAST, Sen
    - - - - - - - - - - - - (Don's Note: This same 100 acre strip was left to Matthew by his father James East in his Will of 1833. It was just north of the 100 acre strip left to his brother William which was located in the extreme southern portion of Section 9. Matthew and his wife Mary Ann sold this 100 acres to Garrett Crownover on 13 Oct 1843, recorded in Book 26, page 135. William East and his wife Rhennetta(Arranetta) sold their 100 acres to Garrett Crownover the next day on 14 Oct 1843, recorded in Book 26, page 136. William appears on a list of landowners indicating he also owned land in Section 16, which joins the southern portion of the land he owned in Section 9. Around 1845, soon after William & Arranetta sold out they moved to northeast Texas, near Mount Pleasant, Titus County.

    The 1833 Will for James East distributed his land to his younger sons, William, Matthew G. , Marshal A and wife Mary, however, he deeded other portions to son Hardman and daughter Elizabeth Cason. The following is a breakout of the distribution of this land in section 9:
    Hardman E. W. East - 200 acres, northern portion of Section 9
    Martin & Eliz Cason - 100 acres, south of Hardman
    Wife Mary & Abram Marshal - 140 acres, south of Martin Cason
    Matthew G. East - 100 acres, south of Abram Marshal & Mary
    William East - 100 acres, south of Matthew
    (640 acres total)
    15 Mar 1833 - Madison Co IL (Written Will/Filed 29 May 1833)
    This my last will and testament concerning my final affairs made this fifteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three in the first place I will and bequeath unto my son WILLIAM EAST a cirten parcel or tract of land lying or being bound on as follows begining at the south east corner of section 9 township fore north of Range five west of the third principal meridian thence runing north fifty poles thence west three hundred and twenty poles thence south fifty thence east to the begining containing one hundred acres -
    I also will and bequeath unto my son MATTHEW G. EAST a cirten parcel or tract of land lying and being bounded as follows begining fifty poles north of the south east corner of Section nine township fore north of Range five West of the third principal meridian thence runing north fifty thence west three hundred and twenty poles thence south fifty to the begining containing one hundred acres -
    I also will and bequeath unto my wife MARY EAST a cirten tract or parcel of land During her natural life being bounded as follows begining one hundred poles north of the south east corner of Section nine township fore north of Range five west of the third principal meridian runing seventy poles north thence west three hundred and twenty thence south seventy poles thence east to the begining containing one hundred and forty acres -
    The above last stated tract of land at the natural death or decease of my wife MARY EAST I will it to my son MARSHAL A. EAST -
    The balance of my property after all just debts are payed I will and bequeath unto my wife MARY EAST to dispose of at her charity -
    The above statements and arrangements I have made being in my rite mind and proper senses - and with them to be exicuted - in testimony whereof I ?? and seal to the day and date above mechoned.
    JAMES EAST, Sen (His Mark)

    State of Illinois, Madison County: ALEXANDER JOHNSON and THOMAS JOHNSON being duly sworn say that they were present and saw JAMES EAST Sen sign and affix his mark to the a? will - that he acknowledged the same to be his last will & testament in their presence - that they signed their names as witnesses to the execution thereof in his presence, at the request of the signer & in the presence of each other; and at this time of the execution thereof they verify that the said JAMES EAST Sen was of sound mind and memory.
    Sworn to subscribe before me this 29th day of May 1833 - DAVID PUCKETT, Judge of Probate
    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    James East was evidently too ill and feeble to sign the will, since he was always able to sign his name on previous deeds and documents. He granted land & property to wife MARY and youngest sons William, Matthew G., & Marshal A.(Abram). Other known children were not mentioned. Mathew G. East moved to Hancock County, IL by 1850; Abram Marshal moved to Wayne County, IL by 1860.
    There is no record of James & Mary leaving any land or property to sons Joseph or daughter Nancy who married John Howard. During the 1840's, Nancy had moved to southern Henderson County, Illinois, where her husband John Howard died. This was not far from where her brother Matthew had settled in northern Hancock County.

    According to "family tradition" Joseph East died in the spring of 1839, however he & his family appeared on the 1840 census for Madison County, residing near his brothers William, James & sister Nancy Howard, as well as his wife Permelia's father Hillery and her brother Martin Cason. Joseph later moved his family to an area in township 6 North Range 10 West, which is several miles northwest of his father's land & was enumerated on the 1845 state census in that township. He evidently died during the 1840's with his widow Permelia & children moving to Independence County, Arkansas with brother Martin Cason & father Hillery Cason.

    Garrett Crownover who purchased most of Section 9 during the 1840's, from the heirs of James East, evidently resided there in 1876 per an old atlas of that date. This old atlas lists G. Crowner & his house was located up that long lane that runs north from the main east/west road which parallels the southern line of that section.

    More About James East, Jr:
    Ancestry: English
    Occupation: Farmer
    Residence1: Pittsylvania Co VA(1767-1777)/////Henry Co VA-Horsepasture Creek (1777-1787)
    Residence2: Wilkes Co GA-Indian Creek(1787-1790)/////Tennessee Co NC-Red River(1790-1793)
    Residence3: Oglethorpe Co GA-Indian Creek(1793-1809)/////Robertson Co TN-Red River (1809-1817)
    Residence4: Madison Co IL (1817-1833)

    Children of James & Mary "Polly" Edwards

    Henry T. East was born 1790 in Wilkes Co GA, and died 16 Nov 1847 in Lively Grove Twp, Washington Co IL. He married Elizabeth "Betsey" Coulter 15 Mar 1813 in Robertson Co TN. Burial: Old Salem Cem//Military: War1812(2dRegtTN Militia)
    Notes for Henry T. East:
    Payroll of the Militia Company of Captain George G. Chapman 2nd Regiment, Commanded by Colonel A. Cheatham 28 January 1814 - May 1814. Residents of Robertson County, Tennessee Appears in the Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy and History, Vol. 1X.
    Henry East and Thomas Johnson were shown as privates in the war of 1812. Henry T. East was drafted in Robertson County, TN 1812. His marriage date is given as March 15, 1813, by William Gambriel, Jp, in Logan Co., Kentucky. The place is later given as Tennessee near the Kentucky line, and finally Robertson County, Tennessee. (Contributed by Pauline Webb).
    1840 - Federal Census (Washington Co IL)
    HENRY EAST 00212001-00010001 Pg 229 (Oldest son of James East Jr)
    ANDREW M 20001-10001 Pg 229 (Son of Henry)
    JAMES 00001-00001 Pg 229 (Son of Henry. Moved to nearby Randolph Co IL 1850)

    1850 - Federal Census (Washington Co IL, Dist #20, Pg 180)
    ELISABETH EAST 62 SC (Widow of Henry T. East)
    Henry T. East 21 IL $500 Farmer (Son)
    Margaret 9//Mary E 7//Robert C 5 (Children of ???)

    ANDREW M EAST 36 TN $1800 Miller (Son of Henry East)
    Jemima 33 TN
    Solomon 10//Sarah 7//Rufus 4//John 2 (All born IL)

    DAVID EAST 28 IL $600 Farmer (Son of Henry East)
    Nancy M 27 TN
    Elisabeth 8//Silas 6//Josiah 4//Susannah 2

    ARCHIBALD EAST 19 IL $200 Farmer (Son of Henry East)
    Nancy 17 Ireland

    LUSINA 28 GA (Lucina Cason, widow of JOSIAH EAST)
    Robert 9//Mary 6 //Sandford 1 (All born IL)

    1860 - Federal Census (Washington Co IL, Sparta PO, Pg 874/875
    L.K. STEWART 32 Ire Farmer 3500
    Lucina 38 GA (Lucina Cason, widow of Josiah East)
    Sarah 7//Catharine 4//Amanda 2
    ROBERT EAST 18//MARY E. EAST 16 (From Lucinda's 1st marr to Josiah East)

    ARCHIBALD EAST 29 IL Farmer 3000 (Son of Henry)
    Nancy 27 Ire
    Amanda 9 //James H 7//William H 5//John P 2
    Elizabeth 71 SC (Mother//Widow of Henry T. East) Caroline 23 IL
    Thomas H 5//William J 1

    Children of Henry East and Elizabeth Coulter are:
    i. Josiah East, born 21 Feb 1814 in Robertson Co TN; died 6 Nov 1844 in Washington Co IL. He married Lucinda Cason 11 Nov 1840 in Madison Co IL; born Abt 1821 in Screven Co GA; died 4 May 1873 in Washington Co IL ?? Josiah East buried Old Salem Cem
    ii. Robert C. East, born Abt 1815 in Robertson Co TN; died in Washington Co IL. He married Hannah Furley 11 Nov 1840 in Madison Co IL.
    iii. Andrew M. East, born Abt 1816 in Robertson Co TN. He married Jemima Maxwell 14 Jul 1836 in Perry Co IL;
    iv. James East, born Abt 1818 in Robertson Co TN; died Aft. 1880 in Randolph Co IL. He married Elizabeth M. Dickey 2 Apr 1840 in Randolph Co IL
    v. David East, born 30 Mar 1822 in Madison Co IL; died 11 Nov 1890 in Washington Co IL. He married (1)Nancy Minerva Paul 16 Apr 1841 in Washington Co IL He married (2) Elizabeth J. Wiley 14 May 1867 in Washington Co IL
    vi. Henry T. East, Jr, born 1829 in Madison Co IL. He married C.
    . vii. Archibald Eben East, born 1831 in Madison Co IL. He married Nancy Coulter; born 1833.

    CHILD 2: JOSIAH EAST??born abt 1800??

    Hardman E.W. East was born 1802 in Oglethorpe Co GA, and died Aft. 1880 in Portland(Multonomah) OR. He married (1) Sarah Hubbard 26 Nov 1829 in JoDaviess Co IL. He married (2) Mrs Eliza Ann Williams 1853 in Clackamas Co OR.
    Notes for Hardman E.W. East
    26 Nov 1829 - Marriage Record (Jo Davies Co IL, Book 1, pg 49)
    H.E.W. EAST married Sarah HUBBARD
    (Note: Rock Island County was formed from Jo Davies Co in 1833. Across the Mississippi River to the west was Scott County, Iowa, which was part of Wisconsin Territory until 1837)

    21 Sep 1839 - Illinois Land Purchase
    31.68 acres Rock Island County, Illinois//Section 36 Township 20N Range 01E

    1840 - Federal Census (Scott Co IA)
    HARDMAN EAST 000001-010001 (Pg 249, Line 168)
    Goodrich Hubbard 110021001-01011 (Next Door, line 169) (Brother of Hardman’s wife)

    10 Jul 1842 - Marriage Record (Scott Co IA)
    Sarah East married Anthony Phillips
    (Hardman East evidently divorced his first wife Sarah Hubbard & she married Mr Phillips)

    15 Jun 1850 - Marriage Record (Scott Co IA)
    Sarah Philips married Osbourn Throop (Mr Phillips probably died & Sarah married again, see 1850 census)

    1850 - Federal Census (Scott Co IA, District #4, Pg 223)
    SAPHRONIA EAST 17 IA (Daughter of Hardman & Sarah East)
    w/ Orson Throop 40 Farmer
    Sarah 42 Ohio (mother of Saphronia)

    Goodrich Hubbard 35 KY (Probably brother of Sarah)
    Margaret 20

    1853 - Marriage Record (Clackamas County, OR, Bk 1 pg 022)
    Hardman E. W. East married Eliza Ann Williams

    1860 - Federal Census (Multnomah Co OR, South Portland Prec, Pg 475)
    H.E.W. EAST 57 GA Farmer $1600
    Eliza 43 NJ
    William 9 Wisc (Possibly WILLIAMS from Eliza's first marriage??)
    Emma C. East 3 OR

    1880 - Federal Census (Multnomah Co OR, Willamette Slough Prec, Pg 220)
    EAST, H.E. 77 Farmer GA/Holland/England (Old Age/Senile/Crippled)
    Eliza A. 65 NJ/NY/NY
    From "We Claimed This Land" Portlands Pioneer Settlers. By Eugene Snyder. Page 78:
    Hardman E.W. East received Oregon Donation Land Claim.
    Born 1802 in Georgia//Settled in Oregon 1852
    Married Eliza Ann Nov 1855//Settled on a 301 acre land claim.
    1864-1873 sold land, the largest parcel 231 acres to James Scott 1869 for $500.

    Child of Hardman East and Sarah Hubbard(1) is:
    i. Saphronia4 East, born 1833 in Madison Co IL.
    Child of Hardman East and Mrs Williams(2) is:
    i. Emma C.4 East, born 1857

    James East III was born 1804 in Oglethorpe Co GA, and died 9 Jan 1878 in Montgomery County, KS & buried in Griffith Cemetery. He married (1) Mary "Polly" Johnson 20 Sep 1822 in Madison Co IL She was born Abt 1805, and died Abt 1848 in Madison Co IL. He married (2) Electa Howard 15 Mar 1849 in Madison Co IL, the widow of James L. Leadbetter. She was born 1818 in IL.

    Thanks to Vicky Gibson, a descendant of James III & Electa, for more information on the Kansas settlement.

    Notes for James East III
    20 Sep 1822 - Marriage Record (Madison Co IL)
    James East married Mary "Polly" Johnson (first wife)

    16 Nov 1837 - Marriage Record (Madison Co IL)
    Lecta Howard married James L. Leadbetter (Electa later married James East III)

    1840 - Federal Census (Highland Precinct, Madison Co IL)
    JOSEPH EAST 120001-10001 pg 72
    WILLIAM EAST 10011-10001001 pg 72
    JAMES EAST 000011-011001 pg 72
    James L. Ledbetter Pg 087

    15 Mar 1849 - Marriage Record (Madison Co IL)
    James East married Electa Leadbetter

    1850 - Federal Census (Madison Co IL, 4N/5W)
    JAMES EAST 46/GA (Farmer/$550)
    Electa/32/IL (2d Wife)
    Emily F 2/12 IL
    CASWELL ARMSTRONG/47/KY (Friend of the family)

    1860 - Federal Census ??? James & Electa not found on this census.

    6 Jan 1869 - Marriage Record (Madison Co IL)
    Emily F. East married Anthony J. STAPLETON
    (James & Electa East's daughter moved to southeast Kansas by 1870)

    1870 - Federal Census (Montgomery Co KS, Verdigris Twp, Montgomery City)
    JAMES EAST 66/GA Farmer No Land
    Electa 52 IL
    W.N. 17 IL//Eph M 13 IL Works on Farm (Sons)

    1870 - Federal Census (Labette Co KS, Osage Twp, pg 92 near Mound Valley)
    Anthony Stapleton 22 IN Farmer
    Emily F 20 IL (the daughter of James East III)

    Children of James East and Electa Howard are:
    i. Emily F. East, born 1850 Madison Co IL. She married Anthony J. Stapleton 8 Jan 1869 Madison Co IL.
    ii. W.N. East, born 1853
    iii. Ephraim East, born 1857 in Madison Co IL, married Laura Snook 10 Jul 1881, Crawford County, KS

    Joseph East was born Abt 1807 in Oglethorpe Co GA, and died Bet. 1839 - 1845 in Madison Co IL. He married Permelia Cason 5 Mar 1828 in Highland(Madison) IL, daughter of Hillery Cason and Mary Smith. She was born 1812 in Screven Co GA, and died Abt 1860 in Gainsboro(Independence)AR


    Children of Joseph East and Permelia Cason are:
    i. Calvin East, born 1834 in Highland(Madison) IL; died 31 Dec 1862 in Murphreesboro, TN. He married Ann Elizabeth Soward 20 Feb 1861 in Independence Co AR.
    ii. Martin Alonzo East, Rev., born 10 Jan 1839 in Highland(Madison) IL; died 23 Jan 1913 in Auburn(Sebastian) AR. He married Eliza Harriett Jones 3 Feb 1862 in Sebastian Co AR; born 3 Feb 1842 in Greene County TN; died 1 Dec 1925 in Arkoma(Leflore) OK
    iii. Mary Malissa East, born 10 Jan 1839 in Highland(Madison) IL; died Unknown in ?. She married John G. Chipman 8 Dec 1859 in Independence Co AR

    Nancy East was born 1808 in Oglethorpe Co GA, and died 1870’s in Pierce Co WI ?. She married (1) John Howard 29 May 1828 in Madison Co IL. He died 1849 in Henderson Co IL. She married (2) James Gossett 8 May 1851 in Henderson Co IL.

    Notes for Nancy East:
    29 May 1828 - Marriage Record (Madison Co IL)
    Nancy East married John HOWARD
    (Don's Note: John Howard died about 1849 and Nancy moved to Henderson Co IL where she married widower James Gossett)

    1850 - Federal Census (Henderson Co IL, Town of Warren, Pg 65)
    Alvin 19, Mary A 13, John 12, Marshal 10, Elizabeth 6 (All born IL)
    (Note: This was in southwest Henderson County, just a few miles from Appanoose in the northern part of Hancock County where Nancy's brother Matthew resided during this time)

    1850 - Federal Census (Henderson Co IL, Town of Dallas, Pg 81)
    GOSSET, JAMES 52 KY Laborer (married Nancy East Howard 1851)
    Lucy A 42 IL (First wife died abt 1851)
    Fanny 15 IL//Margaret 13 IL//James 7 IL
    (Enumerator stated that the north half of the town of Dallas was in Henderson Co & the south half in Hancock Co)

    8 May 1851 - Marriage Record (Henderson Co IL/Book A, pg 43)
    (Nancy's son William Howard married a daughter of James Gossitt)

    1860 - Federal Census (Pierce Co Wisc, Maiden Rock PO, Pleasant Valley Twp)
    JAMES GOSSETT 60 TN Farmer (House #292)
    NANCY 52 GA (This was NANCY EAST, daughter of James East Jr & widow of John Howard)
    James 16 IL (Nancy's step-son)

    WILLIAM HOWARD 28 IL Farm Hand (House #230)
    Fanny 23 IL (Wife, dau of James & Lucy Gosset)
    Margaret 6 IL
    ALVIN HOWARD 27 IL Carpenter
    Louisa 22 IL
    Marshal 9 months Wisc
    (William & Alvin Howard were sons of Nancy East Howard)

    MARSHAL HOWARD 29 IL Farm Hand (House #293)
    (Nancy's son from first marriage to John Howard)
    ROBERT HOWARD 40 IL Woodcutter (House #294) (Probably an Uncle)
    Land Patents in Pierce Co Wisc
    Name Signature Date Document # Accession #
    Gosset, Abraham 6/24/1878 1385 WI0580_.196
    Gosset, Abraham 10/1/1872 404 WI0550_.398
    Howard, A.H. 1/20/1886 3049 WI0610_.042
    Howard, John L. 6/24/1878 1724 WI0580_.228
    Howard, William M. 11/30/1878 1934 WI0580_.421
    Howard, William M. 1/20/1886 3050 WI0610_.043
    Howard, William M. 12/15/1855 3429 WI0440_.419

    Children of Nancy East and John Howard are:
    i. Malinda Howard, born Abt 1830.
    ii. William Monroe Howard, born 1832 in Madison Co IL; died 21 Nov 1912 in Ellsworth(Pierce) WI. He married Frances "Fannie" Gossett 15 Sep 1851 in Henderson Co IL
    iii. Alvin H. Howard, born 1833
    iv. Mary Ann Howard, born 5 Mar 1835 in Madison Co IL
    v. John L. Howard, born 1838
    vi. Marshal Howard, born 1840
    vii. Elizabeth Howard, born 1844

    William E. East was born 1811 in Robertson Co TN, and died Aft. 1860 in Titus Co TX ?. He married (1) Arranetta McElroy 5 Jan 1837 in Madison Co IL. She was born 1813 in Madison Co IL, and died Abt 1858 in Titus Co TX. He married (2) Mrs Sytha Daffron Abt 1858 in Titus Co TX.

    Notes for William E. East:
    5 Jan 1837 - Marriage Record (Madison Co IL)
    William East married Arranetta McElroy

    1840 - Federal Census (Highland, Madison Co IL)
    WILLIAM EAST 10011-10001001 pg 72
    (Don's note: Mother Mary "Polly" probably residing with William)
    JOSEPH EAST 120001-10001 pg 72
    JAMES EAST 000011-011001 pg 72
    (Note: Joseph & James were William's brothers)

    1850 - Federal Census (Titus Co TX, near Mt Pleasant)
    WILLIAM EAST 39 TN Farmer $500
    Brunetta 37 IL (Arranetta McElroy)
    Samuel 8 IL//Emily 6 IL//Priscilla 5 TX//Francis 3 TX (Son)
    (Don's note: William's wife Arranette evidently died & he married widow Sytha Daffron about 1858)

    1860 - Federal Census (Titus Co TX, Wetcher Pres 6)
    WILLIAM EAST 50 IL Farmer $1600
    Sytha A 36 KY
    Rosey A. Daffron 15 MO//William Daffron 13 MO//James Daffron 9 TX//Sarah Daffron 7 TX
    ARANTHA EAST 11 months TX (From 2d wife Sytha) Samuel EAST 18 IL//Priscilla EAST 15 TX//William E EAST 6 TX (From first wife Arranetta)

    Children of William East and Arranetta McElroy are:
    i. Samuel East, born 1842 in Madison Co IL.
    ii. Emily East, born 1844 in Madison Co IL.
    iii. Priscilla East, born 1845 in Titus Co TX.
    iv. Francis East, born 1847 in Titus Co TX; died Bef. 1860 in Titus Co TX.

    Child of William East and Mrs Daffron(2) is:
    38 i. Arrantha East, born 1859.

    Ann Elizabeth East was born Abt 1812 in Robertson Co TN, and died Bet. 1870 - 1879 in Batesville(Independence)AR. She married Martin Cason 25 Dec 1828 in Madison Co IL, son of Hillery Cason and Mary Smith. He was born 1805 in Screven Co GA, and died Bet. 1871 - 1878 in Batesville(Independence)AR.

    Notes for Martin Cason:
    1830 - Federal Census (Madison Co IL, Silver Lake Twp)
    HILLERY CASON (20111001/1111001)pg178
    MARTIN CASON (Hillery & Mary Cason's oldest son)
    DENNIS CASON (Hillery's brother)

    1838 CASON MARTIN Independence County AR 020 No Township Listed Tax list
    1835 CASON MARTIN Independence County AR 001 Ruddell Township Tax List
    (Don's Note: Martin Cason returned to Madison Co IL by 1840, then back to Arkansas during 1840's)

    1840 - Federal Census (Highland Precinct, Madison Co IL)
    MARTIN CASON 00001/12001 Pg 073
    JOHN CASON 110001/00011 Pg 073
    HILLARY CASON 011110001/00110001 Pg 079

    1 Jan 1840 - Federal Land Purchase (Madison Co IL)
    HILLERY CASON//NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, Section 11, Twp 4N, Range 6W (40 Acres)

    10 Jul 1844 - Federal Land Purchase (Independence Co AR)
    CASON, HILLERY//Section 27//Twp 14N//Range 5W (40 Acres)
    CASON, MARTIN//Section 33/Twp 14N//Range 5W (40 Acres)
    CASON SIMEON//Section 33//Twp 14N//Range 5W (40 Acres)
    (Martin Cason & Hillery Cason assignees of IL-LA-TE-MAH Rep of E-YAH-HAM-BE Deceased)

    1 May 1854 - CASON, MARTIN//Section 34/Twp 14N//Range 6W (40 Acres)
    (John Cason& Hillery Cason)
    1 Mar 1855 - CASON, SIMEON//Section 35//Twp 15N//Range 5W (40 Acres)
    1 Mar 1856 - CASON, JOHN//Section 36//Twp 15N//Range 5W (40 Acres)
    1 Apr 1857 - CASON, JOHN//Section 36//Twp 15N/Range 5W (157.25 Acres)
    1 Jul 1859 - CASON, MARTIN//Section 34//Twp14N//Range 6W (40 Acres)
    1 Jan 1861 - CASON, MARTIN//Section 27//Twp 14N//Range 6W (80 Acres)

    1850 - Federal Census (Independence Co AR)
    CASON, Hillery,born NC,age74,Farmer, Land $400 (Ruddel Twp, Family #997)
    Mary, born NC, age 67
    William, born IL, age 18

    CASON, SIMEON,bornGA,age25,Farmer$600(RuddelTwp,Family #998)
    Sarah J/20/AR

    CASON, MARTIN, born GA, age 45, BrickMason, $2000(Batesville, Family #1131)
    Ann E/39/TN

    CASON, HILLERY, born GA, age 29, BrickMason, 2000 (Batesville, Family #1152)(Brother of Martin)
    Delila 24
    CALVIN EAST, born IL, age 19, Plasterer (Nephew. Son of Joseph & Permelia (Cason) East)
    (Note: Hillery Cason III crossed the Oregon Trail to Portland Oregon soon after this census)

    CASON, JOHN B, born GA, age 35 (Barrin Twp)
    1860 - Federal Census (Independence Co AR)
    CASON, MARTIN 55/GA/200 (Stone Mason)
    (Pg10BatesvilleRuddel Twp)

    CASON, SIMEON 35/IL/1500 Farmer
    Sarah J/29/AR
    (Rust/Gainsboro Twp)
    1870 - Federal Census (Independence Co AR, Batesville, AshleyTwp)
    CASON, MARTIN 67/GA/100 Farmer
    Frederick 9

    Zacariah 16,Henry 14
    (Gainsboro Pg 10 Fam# 77)

    More About Martin Cason
    Military: CivilWar(8thInfNewCoH,Ark/CSA)

    Children of Ann Elizabeth East and Martin Cason are:
    i. Mathena Cason.
    ii. Lavina Cason.
    iii. Sarah Cason.
    iv. Whitmill Cason.
    v. Oliver Berry Cason, born 1842 in Batesville(Independence)AR; died Unknown in Gainesboro(Independence)AR. He married Martha Martin 3 Feb 1861 in Batesville, AR
    vi. Simeon Cason, born 1845 in Batesville, AR. He married Minerva Searcy 14 Jan 1867 in Batesville, AR; born 1845.
    vii. Fredrick Cason, born 1861

    Matthew G. East was born Abt 1814 in Robertson Co TN, and died Aft. 1870 in Appanoose(Hancock) IL ?. He married Mary Ann McElroy 20 Feb 1840 in Madison Co IL.

    Notes for Matthew G. East:
    1840 - Federal Census (Madison Co IL, Marine Twp, Pg 080)

    1850 - Federal Census (Hancock Co IL, Appanoose, Pg 412)
    MATTHEW EAST 37/TN/800 (Farmer/$800)
    MaryA/26/IL (Wife)

    1860 - Federal Census (Hancock Co IL, Appanoose Twp/Pg 582)
    Mary/35 (Wife)
    Thos18/MaryAnn16/Charles13//Malinda11//Mathew9//Lawrence 4//Nolan 11 mo

    1870 - Federal Census (Hancock Co IL, Appanoose Twp)
    EAST, Mathew G. 55 Farmer TN
    Mary A. 40 IL
    Malinda 22 IL//Mathew 19 Farm Laborer IL (Also attended school Ft Madison Iowa)
    Lawrence 15 IL//Norah 11 IL// Margaret 7 IL//Clemont 5 IL//Hattie 2 IL

    1870 - Federal Census (Lee Co IA, Fort Madison)
    Mathew East 18 IL Attending School
    (In boarding house with 2 school teachers & about a dozen other students)

    Children of Matthew East and Mary McElroy are:
    i. Thomas East, born 1841.
    ii. Mary Ann East, born 1843.
    iii. Charles East, born 1846.
    iv. Malinda East, born 1848.
    v. Matthew East, born 1851.
    vi. Lawrence East, born 1856.
    vii. Nolan East, born 1859.

    Abram Marshal East was born Abt 1816 in Madison Co IL; died Aft. 1860 in Wayne Co IL ?. He married Cassandra Bundy 27 Jul 1843 in Madison Co IL

    1860 - Federal Census (Wayne Co IL, Pin Oak, Pg 89)
    ABRAM M. EAST 40/IL/600 (Farmer)
    Cassandra/34 (Wife)

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